30 Viral Fashion Items to Buy for Fall 2024

In the fashion world, it doesn’t matter if it’s 90º out. When the fall collections begin trickling into stores, everything automatically transitions from summer mode to autumn like a timed switch went off. Because of this, we can already infer which items will go on to dominate the season weeks out from its actual start date. (Technically, the first day of fall is September 22.)

To do so, I start out by examining everything the celeb set’s already worn from the fall collections—fall 2024 in this case—to see what their top-tier stylists took note of at the shows back in February. From the runways, we’re already seeing boho take off as well as suede, chocolate brown, and leopard print. Next, I take to TikTok and Instagram to find out what’s reaching viral status on a broad scale, from trendy and affordable steals to the designer items people are actually buying. Lastly, I hit up my co-workers and fellow fashion editors aka the holy grail of market knowledge. Nobody knows what’s buzzing better than them.

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