Derms Reveal Their Tips and Tricks For Retinol Use

Have you ever paused while shopping for your skincare to look up the benefits of adding particular ingredients to your routine? If not, you’re probably in the majority of shoppers hoping to get in and out of busy beauty retailers in one piece with a trusted product of choice. Even so, it’s no surprise that retinol is one of the most popular ingredients you may have been spotting recently on the back of your moisturizers, creams, and serums due to its anti-aging qualities.

Since I’ve heard its praises sung time and again over the years without knowing why it’s so heavily credited for its ability to address skin imperfections, I thought it was about time we dived into the nitty-gritty details. Instead of cosigning what the TikTok believers and naysayers have to say about retinol, I’ve tapped four dermatologists for tips, tricks, and their favorite products to maximize the effects of it.

What is retinol, and when should it be used?

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